Alarm Business Application & Renewal Packet
Controlling Persons must now be certified as individuals rather than as an employee of the firm, pursuant to A.R.S. § 32-122.05. All Controlling Persons must comply with the following requirements:
- Apply for and receive a clearance card issued by DPS.
- Complete the Controlling Person application posted on the Board's website revised August 9, 2017. Do not use the old Controlling Person application with the May 9, 2017 revised date.
- Submit the Controlling Person application with a copy of the front and back of the Clearance Card and all other required attachments. A Controlling Person application will not be accepted without the clearance card documentation.
- Alarm businesses shall not operate without at least one certified Controlling Person.
- The Board recognizes that Controlling Persons may need three to four weeks to obtain the clearance card.