For questions regarding reporting a registrant is deceased or that you have legally changed your name, please email [email protected].
To report that a Registrant is deceased, please mail, fax or email a letter of explanation and include a copy of corroborating documentation (such as a death certificate or obituary) to:
Board of Technical Registration
1110 W. Washington St., Suite 240
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Fax: (602) 364-4931
Email: [email protected]
The Board cannot change a registrant's status to 'Retired.'
A registrant who retires from the active practice of any board-regulated profession or who is not currently practicing that board-regulated profession in the state of Arizona may request that the board place the registrant's certificate of registration or certification on inactive status. See Statute: ARS 32-127(E)
Please visit the Inactivation and Reactivation Page.
Alternatively, a registrant may allow their registration to expire and subsequently cancel after one full renewal cycle has passed. Please note that once cancelled, a registrant would need to reapply as a new applicant if they wished to be licensed again in Arizona.
Name Change
To report that you have legally changed your name, please mail, fax or email a letter of explanation and include a copy of corroborating documentation (such as a marriage license) to:
Board of Technical Registration
1110 W. Washington St., Suite 240
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Fax: (602) 364-4931
Email: [email protected]