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Disciplinary Actions

Pursuant to ARS 32-4801(A)(3), ' Each licensing authority shall: post on its website all final decisions, orders and actions the licensing authority takes not later than five days after the meeting and retain this information on its website for at least three years but not more than five years.' For questions regarding cases, please call the Board at 602-364-4930.
Case Number Date Closed Legal Document(s) Note
P17-069 Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Pursuant to A.R.S. § 32-121, " a person or firm desiring to practice any board regulated profession or occupation shall first secure a certificate or registration ... ". Pursuant to A.R.S. § 32-IOl(B)(22), "Land surveying practice" includes the ("[a] Measurement of land to determine the position of any monument or reference point that marks a property line, boundary or comer for the purpose of determining the area or description of the land ... ") Pursuant to A.R.S. § 32-JOl(B)(26) defines "person" as "any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, association, or other organization." Pursuant to A.R.S. § 32-128(C), the Board may take disciplinary actions for each separate violation, in combination or alternatively, including but not limited to revocation, suspension, and imposition of "an administrative penalty of not more than two thousand dollars for each violation ... " and "a requirement for restitution payments to professional services clients or to other persons suffering economic loss ... " The conduct and circumstances in the Factual Allegations above constitute a violation by Respondent Firm of A.RS. § 32-121 " ... a person or firm desiring to practice any board regulated profession or occupation shall first secure a certificate or registration ... " The conduct and circumstances in the Factual Allegations above constitute a violation by Respondent of A.R.S. 32-128(C)(4) through A.AC. R4-30-301(2) ("[a) registrant shall not engage in fraud, deceit, misrepresentation or concealment of material facts in ... providing professional services to members of the public.") The conduct and circumstances in the Factual Allegations above constitute a violation by Respondent of A.R.S. 32-128(C)(4) through A.A.C. R4-30-301(14) ("[a] registrant shall comply 3 with any subpoena issued by the Board ... ") The conduct and circumstances in the Factual Allegations above constitute a violation by Respondent of A.R.S. 32-l 28(C)(4) through A.A.C. R4-30-30 I ( 15) ("[a] registrant shall update the registrant's address and telephone number of record with the Board within 30 days of the date of any change.")