Please only submit a Firm or Branch Registration Form after the Board has granted you licensure.
Firm Registration Form
- Please fill out, sign and print form.
- If you are registering your firm, check the box "New Registration." Please include payment with your submission.
- If you are 'renewing' your firm, check the box "Annual Registration." Please include payment with your submission.
- For changes/updates to your firm, please select the appropriate box and fill in the area(s) of the form that correlate with your changes. There is no fee for making changes.
- Mail the form with payment (if applicable) to: The Arizona Board of Technical Registration 1110 W. Washington St. Suite 240 Phoenix AZ, 85007
Firm Registration/Renewal Fee
Firm Registration/Renewal fee | $50.00 |
Additional Information
"Firm" means any individual or partnership, corporation or other type of association, including the association of a non-registrant and a registrant who offers to the public professional services regulated by the Board. A.R.S. § 32-141 governs registration of firms offering professional services in any Board regulated profession or occupation in Arizona. The statute requires that firms apply for registration annually, and that branch offices of firms also apply for registration. Firms must identify a registrant, who is also a principal of the firm, in each category of services offered. Branch offices must have a designated registrant, who does not have to be a principal, in charge of the professional services offered at that branch office.
Any firm currently offering services without a current annual firm and/or branch registration on file with the Board is in violation of Board statutes and rules and is subject to disciplinary action, which may result in cancellation of the firm's or branch's authority to offer professional services in Arizona.
All firm and branch office registrations expire one year from the date of issue and must be renewed annually, within thirty (30) days of the anniversary date of the original firm or branch registration. An application fee of $50.00 must also be included with each application.
You as the Principal Registrant will be REQUIRED to download the Firm Registration Packet, fill it out and send it to the Board with the Firm's $50 registration fee within 30 days of the Firm's expiration date. Firms that do not send in new firm registrations may be subject to Board investigation for practicing in Arizona without being registered, in violation of A.R.S. § 32-141.
In addition, all firms shall notify the Board, using the Application/Statement for Annual Firm Registration, within thirty (30) days of any change in principals, designated registrants, services offered, and/or firm or branch name or address. There is no fee required for changes to a current registration.
Registered firms can be found on this web site using the "Registered Firm and Branch Search" link. If you do not see your firm listed there, be sure to contact the Board as soon as possible to arrange for registration.
Branch Registration Form
- Please fill out, sign and print form.
- If you are registering your firm, check the box "New Registration." Please include payment with your submission.
- If you are 'renewing' your firm, check the box "Annual Registration." Please include payment with your submission.
- For changes/updates to your firm, please select the appropriate box and fill in the area(s) of the form that correlate with your changes. There is no fee for making changes.
- Mail the form with payment (if applicable) to: The Arizona Board of Technical Registration 1110 W. Washington St. Suite 240 Phoenix AZ, 85007
Branch Registration/Renewal Fee
Branch Registration/Renewal fee | $50.00 |
Additional Information
A person shall file a registration application for each branch office that is located in the state of Arizona and that is part of a firm registered with the board. The branch office application shall list a designated registrant having full authority and responsible charge of the professional services of that branch office. The designated registrant in a branch office need not be a principal of the firm. A.R.S § 32-141