Disciplinary Actions

Pursuant to ARS 32-4801(A)(3), ' Each licensing authority shall: post on its website all final decisions, orders and actions the licensing authority takes not later than five days after the meeting and retain this information on its website for at least three years but not more than five years.'

Per the above statute, the Board cannot post final decisions, orders and actions that are more than five years old on its website. However, this does not bar the public from requesting information regarding whether a registrant or firm has any past actions, including those over five years old. 

Pursuant to ARS 41-3505(B), "If a nonhealth profession regulatory board issues a nondisciplinary order or action against a licensee or certificate holder, the record of the nondisciplinary order or action is available to that board and the public pursuant to section 39-121 but may not appear on the board's website, except that a practice limitation or restriction, and documentation relating to that action, may appear on the board's website."

A person may obtain public records related to any licensee or certificate holder, including dismissed complaints and non-disciplinary actions and orders, by submitting a public information request

For questions please call the Board at 602-364-4930 or the Board's Contact Us page. 

Case Number – This is the number the Board assigned to this case. Case numbers can include one of the following categories:

  • “A” (cases regarding the alarm industry)
  • “P” (cases regarding architecture, engineering, geology, land surveying or landscape architecture)
  • “HI” (cases regarding home inspectors)

The two-digit number after the letter is the fiscal year in which the Board opened the case.

The three-digit number after the hyphen indicates the order in which the Board received the case during that fiscal year in that specific category.

Respondent(s) – An individual or business, whether a registrant or non-registrant, found to have violated Board statutes or rules.

Date Closed – The date the Board closed the case.

Discipline – The profession of the Respondent(s) if registered with the Board. If blank, the Respondent(s) may not be registered with the Board.

Legal Document(s) – A PDF of the Final Consent Agreement or Board Order resolving the case, which includes the Board’s findings of fact, conclusions of law and final disciplinary order.

Order Successfully Terminated - Whether the Board has terminated the Order for a specific case.

If "Yes", the Board terminated the disciplinary order for this case after either modifying the Order’s terms, voting to terminate the Order, or determining that Respondent(s) complied with the provisions of the Order. Please contact Board staff for more information regarding why the Board terminated a specific Order.

If "No", the case may be under an active compliance period or may be out of compliance.

The definitions above are only applicable to the terms as used on the categories to which they relate on the Board’s Disciplinary Actions webpage.

Case Number Respondent(s) Date Closed Discipline Order Successfully Terminated Legal Document(s)
AL21-004 Maddux, Trevor CONTROLLING PERSON Yes
AL21-003 Juan Godinez Yes
P21-005 Odell, William ENGINEER/MECHANICAL Yes
P21-025 Vega, Vianey ENGINEER/CIVIL Yes
P21-014 Biegner, Susan ARCHITECT Yes
P21-028 Sadek, Mahdi ENGINEER/CIVIL Yes
HI20-031 Thorp, John HOME INSPECTOR Yes
AL21-001 Safeguard America dba Safe Home Security | David Roman Yes
P20-014 O'Dell, Kenneth ARCHITECT Yes
HI21-001 Foster, Mickey HOME INSPECTOR Yes
P20-006 Balzano, Kirstin ARCHITECT Yes
HI20-041 Pitman, Adam HOME INSPECTOR Yes
P20-051 Ray Charlie P20-051 Charlie Ray, The Green Room Collaborative Yes
P20-051 P20-051 Charlie Ray, The Green Room Collaborative Yes
P20-052 Muntz, Zane ARCHITECT Yes
HI20-037 Clinton Bruner Yes
P20-032 John Neugebauer Yes
AL18-003 Dave Roman, Security Systems, Inc. dba Safeguard America, dba Safe Home Security Yes
AL18-003 Dave Roman, Security Systems, Inc. dba Safeguard America, dba Safe Home Security Yes
AL19-001 Landon Tyson Tyson Landon Yes